
Why make digital signage interactive?

Why make digital signage interactive?

The average city-dweller today probably passes by a good number of digital displays on any given day, and most aren’t interactive. With interactive capability generally requiring additional technology and setup, it tends to come at an additional cost. This is both for the media owners who need to outfit the signage and the buyers looking to purchase more intricate campaigns. Is the added expense of investing in interactive signage justified?

The answer largely comes down to memorability in a crowded advertising landscape. In a 2016 poll, 81% of marketers agreed that interactive content was more effective at grabbing attention and driving retention of brand messaging than passive media. More high-end buyers are seeking ways to make their campaigns stand out, and only those DOOH networks that are capable of the interactivity they desire will be in contention to run their campaigns.

Example: This campaign for Women’s Aid changed the onscreen image as more and more people looked at it. It’s a powerful campaign and a good example of the potential offered by interactivity.



Contact: Tom Fung

Phone: +86-1-3926-559500


Add: No 1288# Baoan Ave, Shenzhen, China